The Escapists: Prison Escape
The Escapists: Prison Escape
Team17 Digital Limited

March 13, 2020
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About This Game

The Escapist, you committed a crime, but will you survive? The Escapee is a unique jailbreak sandbox game where you get to experience life behind prison and barbed wire fences. You've lived a life of crime, but now you've been caught. Through thrilling and immersive gameplay, you'll need to create an escape route through a world of other prisoners and routines. From roll call to lights out, you're bumped. There are no jailbreak cards in this game, you need to break out of jail. Are you ready for the challenge or are you just sitting in a cell?

You will need all your wits and skills to break out of jail. No walls can stop you, you need to break out of jail! Under the close watch of the guards, you will need to adapt to prison life while using strategy and guts to loot useful items from under their noses. Turn seemingly harmless items into useful tools, such as a shovel for cunning escape plans or a handy weapon to survive in battle. Jailbreaks require cunning, strategy, the right equipment and being at least two steps ahead of the guards. Through bribery and struggle, you can stand out in the prison ranks. If your fellow prisoners like you enough, recruit them and build your own gang. You can even take over the prison! Guards will stop any escape attempts, so you'll have to avoid suspicious behavior by attending roll calls, working in the prison, and hiding stolen smuggled goods.


How To Play

The Escapist is a thrilling sandbox strategy prison simulator that challenges you to escape in many different ways. You're trying to break free, but you're beaten and you need to escape! How you survive and do it is up to you, but when you leave your cell a strict daily schedule is designed to keep you in line. You'll have to do one of several tasks during the day, and exercise and showers are a must. Escaping reality is a tough race, just like prison. Can you dig a tunnel under the walls of a prison? Or even steal a guard's uniform to blend in with your kidnappers?

Addictive and nerve-wracking, escaping from your first prison is a real challenge. Committing some internal crimes, there are dozens of items to find, steal and smuggle. Some are contraband, which you can sell or exchange for more useful equipment. Create clever makeshift weapons and tools; a bar of soap in your sock can be useful in combat. Buy or "borrow" materials from fellow inmates to make tools and other items, such as wire, a bottle of bleach, a piece of wood, a bar of chocolate, a plastic comb, and so on. If you're smart enough, you'll come up with an escape. You can find and use dozens of items to escape the cell, including pickaxes, wire cutters, high ropes, and more.

The Escapist is an addictive strategic prison simulator game that challenges you to break out of jail. Don't be a prisoner, be an escapee! Addictive prison simulator game, steal spoons and forks and use them to dig a tunnel from your cell. Over 6 themed prisons, try to escape from a minimum security prison or a big scary house like Alcatraz. Find, steal and trade items to create dozens of crafting combinations to help you escape. Use the playfield to increase your strength and facilitate wall climbing. Find other prisoners to trade for stolen goods, you'll need duct tape, screwdrivers or nail files. Dodge contraband detectors. If you pass someone with contraband in their pockets, the heat meter goes up to 99%. Adapt to life behind the iron gates, prison sets and jobs to master the game's six prisons, with three additional prisons waiting to be challenged. Push yourself to survive and increase your strength, speed and intelligence. There are multiple ways to break out and escape, you just have to find them.


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