Klondike Adventures
Klondike Adventures

Aug 10, 2021
File Size
277.7 MB


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About This Game

Welcome to try the ultimate city and farm experience Explore the Alaskan wilderness with the brave Kate and adventurer Paul. Build powerful and prosperous farms and cities in the wilderness, all in one game! Build thriving cities, construct factories and farms, mine resources and craft all the items you need for travel, quests, new buildings and orders from locals to farm in the wilderness! Raise animals, harvest crops, craft the food and clothing you need for yourself and your trade. Go head-to-head with neighboring farmers in themed events where all players participate, and take as many crafting and farm orders as you can!

Unlock Difficult Quests Help explorers Kate and Paul solve various mysteries and build ancient ruins in every village or town they pass through. Play fun mini-games on your farm and elsewhere! Enjoy the amazing landscapes and scenery of different locations. Your northern town and every corner of the entire game is filled with all kinds of natural and historical wonders! Meet outstanding game characters and listen to their moving stories as you travel through your town! The wilds of Alaska are the land of many thrilling adventures. Build the world of your dreams and enjoy your gold rush cities and farms!


How To Play

Build powerful and prosperous farms and cities in the wilderness, construct factories and farms, mine resources and craft all the items needed for travel, quests, new buildings and orders from the locals on your own.Players can raise animals, harvest crops and craft the food and clothing they need for themselves and their trade. Take more crafting and farm orders during the themed events that all players take part in!There's also fun mini-games to play on your farm and at other locations!


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