Plague Inc.
Plague Inc.

Sep 23, 2021
File Size
105.5 MB


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About This Game

Plague Inc. is a strategy game developed solely by Ndemic Creations for iOS, Android and Windows Phone platforms.

 Players in the game need to spread a pathogen throughout the world and then wipe out everyone. The game uses an infectious disease model that makes the plague more realistic.

The game comes with a highly detailed, hyper-realistic world with advanced AI (outbreak management).Comprehensive in-game help and tutorial system (I was very helpful).12 different disease types with completely different strategies to master (12 monkeys?).Full save/load functionality (28 saves later!).

More than 50 countries to infect, evolving hundreds of traits and adapting to thousands of world events (evolving into a panopticon).Full support for scoreboards and achievements.Extended updates add control of Neurax worms, zombies producing Necroa virus, extreme running and mind control of realistic scenarios!Can you save the world? Take control and stop the deadly global catastrophe in our biggest expansion yet!


How To Play

Plague Inc. is a strategic simulation game. At the beginning of the game, the player has a pathogen that no one has been infected with yet. The player needs to spread the pathogen throughout the world and destroy everyone in the world by improving the pathogen.

 However, human scientists will develop an antidote, so players will have to complete the goal of eliminating all humans before the antidote is developed or begins to be developed.Players will have to face three problems at the same time: prestige (if the epidemic prevention measures are too aggressive or the epidemic spreads and the mortality rate is too high, the prestige will drop and the game will fail once it reaches 0); rebellion (the people may not cooperate with the quarantine measures and a territory-wide uncooperative movement will break out); and pathogens.

Players can choose from a variety of pathogens in the game, each with its own unique evolutionary approach. However, newcomers just entering the game are generally limited to using bacteria. Subsequent pathogens, including viruses, fungi, parasites, prions, nanoviruses, and bioweapons, generally require the player to play through them in order to unlock them. There are also special pathogens, including the Neurax worm, which can control human minds, the Necroa zombie virus, the "Ape Flu" in collaboration with Rise of the Planet of the Apes Productions, and the vampire plague, named the Shadow Plague. In addition, the game also has special plot modes (for example: mad cow disease, worms that make the world happy).


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