Zombie Catchers
Zombie Catchers
Deca Games

Apr 12, 2023
File Size
187.3 MB


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About This Game

Zombie Catchers: Hunt & Sell is an exciting and addictive mobile game that combines elements of action, strategy, and entrepreneurship. Developed by Two Men and a Dog, a Finnish game development studio, Zombie Catchers takes players on a thrilling adventure in a post-apocalyptic world infested with zombies.

The game is set in a distant future, where a zombie outbreak has taken over the planet. Players step into the shoes of A.J. and Bud, two intergalactic businessmen who have recognized the lucrative opportunity of capturing and selling zombies. Their mission is to hunt down the undead creatures, catch them using ingenious traps and gadgets, and then process them into various products to sell to the surviving humans.

Zombie Catchers offers an immersive gameplay experience with its intuitive controls and vibrant visuals. Players are equipped with a harpoon gun and a trusty jetpack, allowing them to navigate through different environments and swiftly capture zombies. Each level presents unique challenges and puzzles that players must overcome to succeed.

What sets Zombie Catchers apart from other zombie-themed games is its innovative approach to entrepreneurship. After capturing zombies, players take them to their underground laboratory, where they are turned into delicious juices and delectable treats. These products can be sold to the remaining humans, who are always in need of sustenance in this post-apocalyptic world. As players progress, they can expand their operation, unlocking new locations, upgrading their equipment, and creating more complex recipes to maximize their profits.

The development of Zombie Catchers was driven by Two Men and a Dog's passion for creating engaging and addictive gaming experiences. The studio aimed to combine action-packed gameplay with a lighthearted and humorous storyline, appealing to a wide range of players. The team meticulously designed the game's mechanics, levels, and characters to ensure a balanced and enjoyable experience.

One of the key aspects of the game's development was the attention to detail in its visuals. Zombie Catchers features colorful and cartoonish graphics that bring the post-apocalyptic world to life. The character designs, animations, and environments all contribute to the game's unique charm, creating a visually appealing experience for players.

Furthermore, Two Men and a Dog prioritized player feedback throughout the development process. Regular updates and bug fixes were implemented based on community suggestions, ensuring that the game remained fresh and responsive to players' needs.

Zombie Catchers: Hunt & Sell has garnered a large and dedicated fanbase since its release. Its addictive gameplay, immersive world, and humorous storyline have captivated players worldwide. The game's success can be attributed to the careful attention given to its development, creating an engaging and entertaining experience for both casual and hardcore gamers alike.

In conclusion, Zombie Catchers: Hunt & Sell is an action-packed mobile game that combines zombie hunting, entrepreneurship, and strategy. Developed by Two Men and a Dog, the game offers an immersive and addictive experience with its vibrant visuals, intuitive controls, and unique gameplay mechanics. With its post-apocalyptic setting and humorous storyline, Zombie Catchers has captured the hearts of players around the world, making it a must-play for zombie enthusiasts and mobile gamers alike.


How To Play

To play Zombie Catchers: Hunt & Sell, you'll need to master a combination of action, strategy, and resource management. Here's a guide on how to play the game and the skills you'll need to succeed.

Capturing Zombies: The primary objective of the game is to capture zombies using your harpoon gun and traps. Move your character using the on-screen controls and aim your harpoon gun at the zombies. Once you've targeted a zombie, tap the screen to shoot the harpoon and reel them in. Be careful not to miss or waste harpoons, as they are limited and need to be recharged.

Utilizing Traps and Gadgets: As you progress in the game, you'll unlock and upgrade various traps and gadgets to aid in your zombie-catching endeavors. These include nets, bombs, and other inventive contraptions. Experiment with different traps to strategize and efficiently capture zombies, as each type of trap has unique effects and uses.

Building and Upgrading your Laboratory: The captured zombies are brought to your underground laboratory, where you can process them into products to sell. Invest your earnings to upgrade your equipment, expand your lab, and unlock new locations. Upgrades will enhance your trapping abilities, increase your productivity, and enable the creation of more valuable products.

Producing and Selling Products: In the laboratory, you'll convert zombies into various items such as juices and snacks. Each product requires a specific number of zombies and takes time to produce. Manage your resources wisely to meet the demand of the customers and maximize your profits. Once the products are ready, head to the marketplace to sell them to the surviving humans.

Strategic Planning: Zombie Catchers requires strategic planning to optimize your gameplay. Consider factors such as the types of zombies in each level, their behavior, and the available traps and gadgets. Plan your approach accordingly to efficiently capture zombies and minimize resource wastage. Additionally, strategize your product production to meet the demands of different customers and maximize your sales.

Time Management: Efficient time management is crucial in Zombie Catchers. Keep an eye on the timers for product production, harpoon recharges, and other resources. Prioritize tasks, such as capturing zombies or upgrading equipment, based on their urgency and impact on your progress. Managing your time effectively will help you stay ahead and achieve your goals faster.

Adaptability and Quick Reflexes: The game introduces various challenges, including different types of zombies with unique characteristics. Some zombies may be faster, more resilient, or have special abilities. Adapt your strategies accordingly and be prepared to adjust your gameplay on the fly. Quick reflexes are essential for accurately shooting harpoons and evading zombie attacks.

To succeed in Zombie Catchers, you'll need a combination of strategic thinking, resource management, hand-eye coordination, and adaptability. The game's progressively challenging levels and the need to balance capturing zombies, producing products, and expanding your operation require a versatile skill set. With practice and experience, you'll become a skilled zombie hunter and entrepreneur in this thrilling and addictive game.


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